St. Catherine on Secularism and the Interior Life | Sr. Mary Madeleine Todd, O.P.
St. Catherine on Secularism and the Interior Life | Sr. Mar…
The lecture was given on October 12, 2022 at Harvard University. For more information on upcoming events, visit …
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Nov. 25, 2022

St. Catherine on Secularism and the Interior Life | Sr. Mary Madeleine Todd, O.P.

The lecture was given on October 12, 2022 at Harvard University.

For more information on upcoming events, visit

About the speaker:
Sr. Mary Madeline Todd is a Dominican Sister of Saint Cecilia Congregation in Nashville. S...

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The Thomistic Institute Podcast

The lecture was given on October 12, 2022 at Harvard University. For more information on upcoming events, visit About the speaker: Sr. Mary Madeline Todd is a Dominican Sister of Saint Cecilia Congregation in Nashville. She earned her doctorate in Sacred Theology from the Pontifical University of St. Thomas Aquinas in Rome. She teaches, writes, and speaks on spiritual and moral theology and philosophy, especially on the dignity of the human person in Christ.