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St. Thomas Aquinas famously offers five proofs of God’s existence, commonly known as the Five Ways. In these proofs, St. Thomas surprisingly makes no appeal to the Bible in order to draw his conclusions. His arguments are made from reason alone, without the help of faith in divine revelation.

But, how certain should we be that God’s existence could be known by us even if we had neither the Bible nor the supernatural gift of faith that comes to us in baptism? Can we really prove it? How would we do so? And whether or not we can do it personally, how certain should we be that it can be done at least by someone?

Fr. John Baptist Ku, O.P. will address these questions and more about the relationship between faith and reason and explain how St. Thomas Aquinas can prove God's existence by reason alone in our latest episode of Aquinas 101!

Can You Prove God Exists Without the Bible? (Aquinas 101) - Fr. John Baptist Ku, O.P.

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Aquinas 101 is a project of the Thomistic Institute that seeks to promote Catholic truth through short, engaging video lessons. You can browse earlier videos at your own pace or enroll in one of our FREE Aquinas 101 courses on St. Thomas Aquinas and his masterwork, the Summa theologiae. In these courses, you'll learn from expert scientists, philosophers, and theologians—including Dominican friars from the Province of St. Joseph. Enroll today at https://go.thomisticinstitute.org/register-youtube-a101. And don’t forget to like and share with your friends, because it matters what you think!

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