God, Creation, and the Act of Existence | Prof. Gaven Kerr

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"The act of existence is the unifying theme in Aquinas' metaphysics. If you're trying to understand his metaphysics — understand the act of existence. Understand what he means by the act of existence and once you understand that, you're golden. It's like understanding Plato's theory of the forms — once you understand that you understand Plato. You can open up any platonic dialogue and situate yourself." Prof. Gaven Kerr


This talk was given on February 6th, 2023 at Oxford University.

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About the speaker:
Gaven Kerr is a third-order Dominican and philosophy professor at St. Patrick's Pontifical University. He is the author of numerous academic papers and two books on Aquinas' metaphysics. He is also a father and MMA fighter.


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