How Does the Mystery of the Incarnation Reveal the Trinity? | Fr. Thomas Joseph White, O.P.

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"As the first Vatican Council rightly stated, in response to the conundrums of Enlightenment skepticism, that only God can illuminate us as to how to live through suffering and what its own resolution might entail. If God has done this in the Incarnation, however, then he has done so not only by taking human flesh, but by suffering it in as well and by glorifying his own human soul and body in the Resurrection. Getting us an entry point from which to understand our own eschatological horizon: Final Judgement, Purgatory, Heaven and Hell. These mysteries point us toward the Trinitarian resolution of the cosmos in which all human beings, in ways known to God, are invited into the communion of Trinitarian life. The acknowledgement of this revelation constitutes a liberation for human reason, not a delimitation. In the end, we may conclude, the flesh of Christ is the flesh of the Son of God — the bodily flesh of the one who suffered and died and is raised from the dead. In this state of glorified life, he can reveal the Father and the Holy Spirit now and forever, drawing us towards a resolution of our human condition, in mystery and enigma, but also in bedrock truth. Salvation comes from the flesh of the Lord. It is that flesh that shines resplendent before all men in the crib, on the cross and in the life to come." —Fr. Thomas Joseph White, O.P.


This talk by Fr. White was given at the Angelicum in Rome last year.

About the speaker:
Fr. Thomas Joseph White, O.P. currently serves as rector of the Pontifical University of Saint Thomas Aquinas in Rome (the “Angelicum”).

Fr. White grew up in southeast Georgia in an inter-religious household. He completed his bachelor’s in religious studies from Brown University (1993) and his Master’s (1995) and Doctorate (2002) in Theology at Oxford University. He entered the Order of Preachers in 2003. He completed his licentiate in Sacred Theology (2007) at the Dominican House of Studies in Washington, D.C. He professed final vows on May 17, 2007, and on May 23, 2008, was ordained a priest. His research and teaching have focused on topics related to Thomistic metaphysics, Christology and Roman Catholic-Reformed ecumenical dialogue. He was appointed an ordinary member of the Pontifical Academy of St. Thomas Aquinas in 2011. Fr. White taught at the Dominican House of Studies in Washington, D.C from 2008-2018. He was also the founder and Director of the Washington DC Thomistic Institute from 2009 until his departure for Rome in 2018.

In 2015 White became a co-editor of Nova et Vetera Journal, an American Catholic Theological journal. In 2018 he was assigned to teach at the Angelicum and function as the Director of the Angelicum Thomistic Institute. In June of 2021, he was appointed rector of the Angelicum. Fr. White is also a musician and one of the founding members of the American folk and bluegrass band, The Hillbilly Thomists, for which he sings and plays the banjo, dulcimer and steel guitar. The U.S.-based group, made up of Dominican friars, has released two albums since 2017.


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