How Many Friends Should I Have? ‘A Lot,’ says Thomas Aquinas | Fr. Aquinas Guilbeau, O.P.

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"How many friends should I have? The answer is all of them. We should have all the friends. At least we should have all three types of friends. We should have men and women in our lives to whom we wish the good, for the pleasure that they give us, for the utility that they provide us, and for the virtue that they share with us. Not all three kinds of friends are loved in the same way nor do all three kinds of friendships possess the same endurance and stability, but all three co-exist and are related as imperfect to perfect, in order that the fullness of the goodness of human life may be discovered and shared." —Fr. Aquinas Guilbeau, O.P.


Fr. Guilbeau's handout can be found here:

This lecture was delivered on December 6, 2021 at St. Mary Mother of God Catholic Church for the DC Young Professionals Chapter of the Thomistic Institute.

About the speaker:
A native of Louisiana, Fr. Aquinas Guilbeau, O.P. entered the Province of St. Joseph in 2005. After several years of pastoral work in New York City, Fr. Guilbeau began doctoral studies in moral theology at the University of Fribourg, where he completed a dissertation in moral theology. His topic was Charles De Koninck’s doctrine of the common good. In addition to his teaching, Fr. Guilbeau is prior of the Dominican House of Studies.


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