How to Be Happy w/ Fr. Gregory Pine, O.P. & Prof. Christopher Kaczor

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How can one be happy? What practical steps can we gather from psychology and theology? Join Fr. Gregory Pine, O.P. of Aquinas 101, Godsplaining, and Pints with Aquinas for an off-campus conversation with Prof. Christopher Kaczor about his latest Thomistic Institute lecture, "How to Be Happy: Lessons from Psychology and Theology.”

How to Be Happy w/ Fr. Gregory Pine, O.P. & Prof. Christopher Kaczor (Off-Campus Conversations)

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00:00 Introduction
04:57 Seeing the good in our neighbor
09:02 Positive psychology and Catholicism
14:03 How to improve attention
18:33 Habit building
22:59 Freedom for indifference vs. freedom for excellence
27:30 More on habits
30:50 Imperfect vs. perfect happiness
35:41 Love, relationships, and time management
41:47 Conclusion


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