Infused Virtue and Growth in the Christian Moral Life | Prof. Angela Knobel

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"We cannot live our Christian vocation to the full unless and until the new first principles given by faith pervade even our deliberation about the means. So long as we believe but continue to rely solely on our own natural reason, whether perfected by acquired virtue or not, to guide our acts, then I think we will fall short of the goal of the Christian life. What must we do if we are to discover the divine folly of living our Christian vocation to the full? From the preceding, it seems clear that we will live our Christian vocation to the full to the extent to which it becomes co-natural to us to use the particular principles of the infused moral virtues, rather than the particular principles of the acquired, in our reasoning. Whether and how this occurs, of course, is up to God."


This lecture was given at the Dominican House of Studies on September 11, 2021 as part of the fall installment of the annual Thomistic Circles series. The theme of the conference was "Virtue and Divine Grace."

About the speaker:
Associate Professor of Philosophy Angela Knobel, Ph.D., received her doctorate in philosophy from the University of Notre Dame in 2004. Her work focuses primarily on Aquinas’ theory of infused virtue, virtue ethics and applied ethics. Her new book Aquinas and the Infused Moral Virtues, published by the University of Notre Dame Press, is available for purchase here:


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