Is Belief in God Rational? | Prof. Joshua Hochschild

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"What I want to emphasize in this talk is how Aquinas' conception of rational theological belief includes both much less than and much more than strictly demonstrative proofs or philosophical argumentation.

There are ways in which, without depending on philosophical argument at all, belief in God is rational. There are ways that philosophical arguments have important religious value beyond their capacity to prove truths or refute falsehoods.

And there are ways in which supernatural faith is rational, not only as logically compatible with rational argument, but as addressing our rational nature in a way that rational argument alone never could." —Prof. Joshua Hochschild


This lecture was offered at Ohio State University on April 7th, 2022.

About the Speaker:
Joshua Hochschild is the Monsignor Robert R. Kline Professor of Philosophy at Mount St. Mary’s University, where he also served six years as the inaugural Dean of the College of Liberal Arts. His primary research is in medieval logic, metaphysics, and ethics, with broad interest in liberal education and the continuing relevance of the Catholic intellectual tradition. He is the author of The Semantics of Analogy: Rereading Cajetan’s De Nominum Analogia (2010), translator of Claude Panaccio’s Mental Language: From Plato to William of Ockham (2017), and co-author of A Mind at Peace: Reclaiming an Ordered Soul in the Age of Distraction (2017). His writing has appeared in First Things, Commonweal, Modern Age and the Wall Street Journal. For 2020-21 he’s been elected to serve as President of the American Catholic Philosophical Association.


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