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Did you know that the consequence of sin doesn't end in the confessional? While the Sacrament of Penance is a great gift that restores us to communion with God and opens up the prospect of eternal life with Him once again, it doesn't erase our memories or some of the effects of what we have done.

One of the abiding effects of sin is temporal punishment, the dregs of sin and the various attachments that stick in our souls. To deal with temporal punishment, we’ll need to undertake some kind of satisfactory penance. That's where indulgences come in — and they're more important for your spiritual life than you may think!

But, what exactly are indulgences, and why are they so important? We've all heard about indulgences in history; what does this practice look like today? And what's the difference between plenary and partial indulgences? Fr. Thomas Petri, O.P. will address these questions and explain how to gain indulgences for yourself and for the faithful departed in our latest episode of Aquinas 101!

The Truth About Indulgences and the Catholic Church (Aquinas 101) - Fr. Thomas Petri, O.P.

❓ Questions you want answered? Make sure to put #AskAFriar in your comment!

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Aquinas 101 is a project of the Thomistic Institute that seeks to promote Catholic truth through short, engaging video lessons. You can browse earlier videos at your own pace or enroll in one of our FREE Aquinas 101 courses on St. Thomas Aquinas and his masterwork, the Summa theologiae. In these courses, you'll learn from expert scientists, philosophers, and theologians—including Dominican friars from the Province of St. Joseph. Enroll today at https://go.thomisticinstitute.org/register-youtube-a101. And don’t forget to like and share with your friends, because it matters what you think!

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