Thomists at War: Dante, Aquinas, and the Dominicans | Dr. George Corbett

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"In the Commedia as a whole, only the three main protagonists, the pilgrim Dante himself, Virgil, and Beatrice, are afforded more lines or more words than Aquinas. In his prose work, the Convivio, furthermore, Dante citing the Summa Contra Gentiles, models himself on Aquinas as a defender of faith and fighter of heresy: "I model myself on the good friar Thomas Aquinas who entitled one of his works written to refute the arguments of those who deviate from our faith, "Against the Gentiles." Dante then, clearly saw Aquinas as, in the spirit of his Founder, a lover of and warrior for the Christian faith. And perhaps even saw himself in similar terms. From Dante's perspective, a Thomist, whether a follower of St. Dominic, or a follower of St. Thomas, or perhaps preferably both, is always at war as there are always errors to be combatted, and the seed of faith to be defended; there are always souls in danger of damnation, and souls to direct to heaven." —Dr. George Corbett


This lecture was given on November 15, 2021 at Oxford University.

Watch the livestream on the Blackfriars, Oxford youtube channel — @Godzdogz:

Dr. George Corbett is a Senior Lecturer in Theology and the Arts at the University of St Andrews. Previously, he held positions as Junior Research Fellow in Philosophy, Trinity College, and affiliated lecturer in Italian, University of Cambridge, where he also taught English literature and theology. He received his BA (double first), MPhil (distinction), and PhD (AHRC-funded) from the University of Cambridge. He has also studied in Pisa (as an Erasmus-Socrates exchange scholar at La Scuola Normale Superiore), Rome (Institutum Pontificium Alterioris Latinitatis), and Montella (Vivarium Novum).

Dr. Corbett directs CEPHAS (a Thomistic Centre for Philosophy and Scholastic Theology), TheoArtistry (a project linking up theologians and artists), and is leading on a new collaborative MLitt in Sacred Music.

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