What Makes a Person Good? The Cardinal Virtues and Living Well | Fr. Aquinas Guilbeau, O.P.

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"Because the virtues first and foremost have the effect of perfecting the movement of intellect, of will, and of our appetites, it is in that regard that the virtues make us good.

This is the picture of a good human being: one who has the movements of intellect, will and appetite so regulated and ordered by the virtues, so that intellect is only inclined and attaches to truth, the will inclines to, desires and attaches only to the good, and the sense appetites incline us to the enjoyment of only those pleasures that lead, in our own circumstances, to the proper good." —Fr. Aquinas Guilbeau, O.P.


This talk was given on October 27, 2021 at the University of Auburn.

About the speaker:
A native of Louisiana, Fr. Aquinas Guilbeau, O.P., entered the Dominican Province of St. Joseph in 2005. After several years of pastoral work in New York City, Fr. Guilbeau began doctoral studies in moral theology at the University of Fribourg, where he completed a dissertation on St. Thomas Aquinas’s doctrine of the common good. In addition to his teaching, Fr. Guilbeau serves as senior editor of Aleteia.org (English edition). He is also the current prior of the Dominican House of Studies.


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