
Feb. 21, 2020

Can a Feminist Be Pro Life? | Prof. Angela Knobel

⭐️ Donate $5 to help keep these videos FREE for everyone! Pay it forward for the next viewer: Can a Feminist Be Pro Life? | Prof. Angela Knobel This lecture was given at the Johns Hopkins School of Public Health on February 4, 2020. Angela Knobel is an Associate…

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Feb. 19, 2020

True Friendship: Insights from the Classical and Christian Traditions | Prof. Joshua Hochschild

⭐️ Donate $5 to help keep these videos FREE for everyone! Pay it forward for the next viewer: True Friendship: Insights from the Classical and Christian Traditions | Prof. Joshua Hochschild This lecture was given on 4 February 2020 at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology. Joshua Hochschild is the…

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Feb. 17, 2020

Beatitude (Aquinas 101)

⭐️ Donate $5 to help keep these videos FREE for everyone! Pay it forward for the next viewer: What is happiness and how do we become happy? Figuring out what will make us human beings perfectly happy, St. Thomas focuses on what is unique about us, what makes us…

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Feb. 15, 2020

What Is Medicine For? Conscience and Clinical Practice | Dr. Farr Curlin, MD

⭐️ Donate $5 to help keep these videos FREE for everyone! Pay it forward for the next viewer: What Is Medicine For? Conscience and Clinical Practice | Dr. Farr Curlin, MD This lecture was given at Harvard Medical School on 4 February 2020. Farr Curlin is Josiah C. Trent…

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Feb. 14, 2020

Did Christ Die For Neanderthals? | Fr Simon Gaine, OP

⭐️ Donate $5 to help keep these videos FREE for everyone! Pay it forward for the next viewer: Did Christ Die For Neanderthals? | Fr Simon Gaine, OP This lecture was given on 30 January 2020 as the annual lecture in honor of St. Thomas Aquinas held at the…

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Feb. 12, 2020

The Image of God and Original Justice (Aquinas 101)

⭐️ Donate $5 to help keep these videos FREE for everyone! Pay it forward for the next viewer: “The image of God exists in the mind, not because it has a remembrance of itself, loves itself, and understands itself; but because it can also remember, understand, and love God…

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Feb. 11, 2020

The Priest and Confession | Fr. Romanus Cessario, OP

⭐️ Donate $5 to help keep these videos FREE for everyone! Pay it forward for the next viewer: The Priest and Confession | Fr. Romanus Cessario, OP This lecture was given at the University of Oxford on 27 November 2019. Fr. Romanus Cessario, OP, holds a research fellowship at…

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Feb. 10, 2020

Thomistic Epistemology (Aquinas 101)

⭐️ Donate $5 to help keep these videos FREE for everyone! Pay it forward for the next viewer: Human beings do not invent the truth, but discover it. Skepticism and relativism are really forms of despair. In the philosophical tradition that comes down to us from Socrates, Plato, and…

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Feb. 10, 2020

St. Thomas Aquinas on Divinisation | Fr. Andrew Hofer, OP

⭐️ Donate $5 to help keep these videos FREE for everyone! Pay it forward for the next viewer: St. Thomas Aquinas on Divinisation | Fr. Andrew Hofer, OP This lecture was given at the University of Oxford on 21 November 2019. Fr. Andrew Hofer, O.P., grew up as the…

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Feb. 5, 2020

Accompaniment and Moral Development | Fr. Romanus Cessario, OP

⭐️ Donate $5 to help keep these videos FREE for everyone! Pay it forward for the next viewer: Accompaniment and Moral Development | Fr. Romanus Cessario, OP This lecture was given at the University of Oxford on 27 November 2019. Fr. Romanus Cessario, OP holds a research fellowship at…

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Feb. 5, 2020

Powers of the Soul: A Closer Look (Aquinas 101)

⭐️ Donate $5 to help keep these videos FREE for everyone! Pay it forward for the next viewer: We are always free to choose among options. Some options are better than others. All of the powers of the soul are directed toward achieving some good. Ultimately, we are made…

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Feb. 3, 2020

Body and Soul (Aquinas 101)

🎥, Keep the Aquinas 101 cameras rolling! Donate $5 today: A soul is not a ghost in a machine or a mere emergent property. It is not an occult claim or a material reduction—the soul is the form of the body, an animating force that separates the living from…

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Jan. 29, 2020

Philosophy Shows You Have an Immortal Soul (Aquinas 101)

🎥, Keep the Aquinas 101 cameras rolling! Donate $5 today: The soul makes the heart not only to be, but to beat. Soul makes the eyes not only to be, but to see. The soul is the organizational pattern of all parts, and all the parts of all the…

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Jan. 27, 2020

Angelic Knowledge and Choice (Aquinas 101)

⭐️ Donate $5 to help keep these videos FREE for everyone! Pay it forward for the next viewer: “How art thou fallen from heaven, O Lucifer, who didst rise in the morning? How art thou fallen to the earth, that didst wound the nations?” (Isaiah 14:12) Have you ever…

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Jan. 22, 2020

Angels and Demons (Aquinas 101)

🎥, Keep the Aquinas 101 cameras rolling! Donate $5 today: “To pretend they [Angels] do not exist because we do not see them is like pretending that we never sleep because we have never caught ourselves asleep.” -Fr. Walter Farrell, O.P. The Catholic church firmly teaches the existence of…

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Jan. 20, 2020

The Problem of Evil (Aquinas 101)

🎥, Keep the Aquinas 101 cameras rolling! Donate $5 today: “If God is, why is there evil? But if God is not, why is there good?” -St. Augustine We can be sure that God only permits evil for the sake of some much better and higher good, including not…

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Jan. 15, 2020

Creation and Governance (Aquinas 101)

⭐️ Donate $5 to help keep these videos FREE for everyone! Pay it forward for the next viewer: “The Lord has made all things for Himself.” (Proverbs 16:4) Creation is not God igniting the first spark of physical things or changing or moving things from one state to another.…

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Jan. 15, 2020

Natural Rights and Public Right in the American Founding | Charles Kesler

⭐️ Donate $5 to help keep these videos FREE for everyone! Pay it forward for the next viewer: Natural Rights and Public Right in the American Founding A lecture by Charles Kesler (Claremont McKenna College) delivered at the conference "What Are Natural Rights?" on April 1, 2017 in NYC.…

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Jan. 13, 2020

The Missions of the Trinity (Aquinas 101)

⭐️ Donate $5 to help keep these videos FREE for everyone! Pay it forward for the next viewer: “Inspired by the Father, each procession of the Light spreads itself generously toward us, and, in its power to unify, it stirs us by lifting us up. It returns us back…

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Jan. 13, 2020

What's the Problem With Natural Rights? | Nigel Biggar | Oxford University

⭐️ Donate $5 to help keep these videos FREE for everyone! Pay it forward for the next viewer: What's the Problem With Natural Rights? A lecture by Nigel Biggar (Oxford University) delivered at the conference "What Are Natural Rights?" on April 1, 2017 in New York City. Subscribe to…

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Jan. 13, 2020

Do Thomists Have Rights? Does Anyone? | Fr. Dominic Legge

⭐️ Donate $5 to help keep these videos FREE for everyone! Pay it forward for the next viewer: Do Thomists Have Rights? Does Anyone? A lecture by Fr. Dominic Legge, OP (Pontifical Faculty of the Immaculate Conception) delivered at the conference "What Are Natural Rights?" on April 1, 2017…

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Jan. 8, 2020

The Persons of the Trinity (Aquinas 101)

⭐️ Donate $5 to help keep these videos FREE for everyone! Pay it forward for the next viewer: The Holy Trinity is a mystery in the strict sense—is the mystery of God in Himself. Our knowledge of this mystery depends exclusively on God's revelation and above all, on the…

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Jan. 6, 2020

The Triune God (Aquinas 101)

⭐️ Donate $5 to help keep these videos FREE for everyone! Pay it forward for the next viewer: [I believe] in the Holy Ghost, the Lord and Giver of life, Who proceedeth from the Father and the Son, Who, together with the Father and the Son, is adored and…

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Jan. 1, 2020

Predestination (Aquinas 101)

🎥, Keep the Aquinas 101 cameras rolling! Donate $5 today: “He chose us in him before the foundation of the world that we should be Holy and blameless before Him. He predestined us in love to be His sons through Jesus Christ according to the purpose of His will,…

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