
Dec. 30, 2019

Freedom (Aquinas 101)

⭐️ Donate $5 to help keep these videos FREE for everyone! Pay it forward for the next viewer: How is it possible that God's grace can move us freely to make saving acts of faith, hope, and love? Isn't this simply a contradiction? The highest good of the human…

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Dec. 25, 2019

Providence and Chance (Aquinas 101)

⭐️ Donate $5 to help keep these videos FREE for everyone! Pay it forward for the next viewer: Aquinas holds that creation is characterized by order, that all things come forth from God according to an ordered plan and all things are ordered back to God as their ultimate…

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Dec. 23, 2019

What is God's Will? (Aquinas 101)

⭐️ Donate $5 to help keep these videos FREE for everyone! Pay it forward for the next viewer: “Lord, what wilt Thou have me do? Behold the true sign of a totally perfect soul: when one has reached the point of giving up his will so completely that he…

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Dec. 18, 2019

God's Knowledge (Aquinas 101)

⭐️ Donate $5 to help keep these videos FREE for everyone! Pay it forward for the next viewer: “The philosopher says that God's knowledge is the measure of things, and that things are the measure of man's knowledge.” -Jacques Maritain God's knowledge is not in the world or from…

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Dec. 16, 2019

Naming God (Aquinas 101)

⭐️ Donate $5 to help keep these videos FREE for everyone! Pay it forward for the next viewer: "How then can we speak of the divine names? How can we do this if the Transcendent surpasses all discourse and all knowledge, if it abides beyond the reach of mind…

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Dec. 11, 2019

The Divine Attributes (Aquinas 101)

⭐️ Donate $5 to help keep these videos FREE for everyone! Pay it forward for the next viewer: Deus Caritas Est: God is Love. John in his first letter says, "God is love", essentially love in all he is. None of us can say, "I am love” or "I…

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Dec. 9, 2019

Five Ways to Prove God Exists (Aquinas 101)

🎥, Keep the Aquinas 101 cameras rolling! Donate $5 today: “Ever since the creation of the world his invisible nature, namely, his eternal power and deity, has been clearly perceived in the things that have been made.” (Romans 1:20) The writings of ancient pagan philosophers confirmed the biblical teaching…

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Dec. 2, 2019

Habits: A First Look (Aquinas 101)

⭐️ Donate $5 to help keep these videos FREE for everyone! Pay it forward for the next viewer: By habit, whether virtue or vice, man sows the seeds of his destiny, determining in choice what he is and what he is to become. In order to get better and…

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Nov. 27, 2019

Powers of the Soul: A First Look (Aquinas 101)

⭐️ Donate $5 to help keep these videos FREE for everyone! Pay it forward for the next viewer: St. Thomas Aquinas refers to the human person as the horizon of creation—the meeting of heaven and earth. We are composite beings—embodied souls—with a complex makeup. In Aristotle and St. Thomas’s…

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Nov. 25, 2019

Good and Evil (Aquinas 101)

⭐️ Donate $5 to help keep these videos FREE for everyone! Pay it forward for the next viewer: “Whether for good or evil, each man lives by his love.” -St. Augustine of Hippo What is the good? For St. Thomas Aquinas, this question is absolutely central. He begins by…

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Nov. 20, 2019

Moderate Realism (Aquinas 101)

⭐️ Donate $5 to help keep these videos FREE for everyone! Pay it forward for the next viewer: Straddling between two extremes, St. Thomas Aquinas follows Aristotle in proposing a theory of moderate realism. Against Plato, St. Thomas insists that the universals are first in things themselves. Against William…

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Nov. 18, 2019

Opinion, Doubt, Knowledge, and Belief (Aquinas 101)

⭐️ Donate $5 to help keep these videos FREE for everyone! Pay it forward for the next viewer: On St. Thomas Aquinas’ account, belief is not simply a sentiment. Rather, it involves coming into contact with a truth and having the truth come into our minds, even though we…

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Nov. 13, 2019

The Three Acts of the Mind (Aquinas 101)

⭐️ Donate $5 to help keep these videos FREE for everyone! Pay it forward for the next viewer: “... Each mortal thing does one thing and the same: Deals out that being indoors each one dwells; Selves — goes itself; myself it speaks and spells..." -As Kingfishers Catch Fire,…

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Nov. 11, 2019

Analogy (Aquinas 101)

⭐️ Donate $5 to help keep these videos FREE for everyone! Pay it forward for the next viewer: Everything that exists in some way has being, is good, has a kind of unity to it, and a truth or intelligibility. But what about the source of all that exists?…

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Nov. 6, 2019

Intro to Primary and Secondary Causality (Aquinas 101)

⭐️ Donate $5 to help keep these videos FREE for everyone! Pay it forward for the next viewer: Unlike every creature, God simply is. God is Being itself, and therefore absolutely uncaused. He is not simply in our world, he is the cause of our world. All things fundamentally…

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Nov. 4, 2019

Teleology (Aquinas 101)

⭐️ Donate $5 to help keep these videos FREE for everyone! Pay it forward for the next viewer: “The chicken does not exist only in order to produce another egg. He may also exist to amuse himself, to praise God, and even to suggest ideas to a French dramatist.”…

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Oct. 30, 2019

The Four Causes (Aquinas 101)

⭐️ Donate $5 to help keep these videos FREE for everyone! Pay it forward for the next viewer: “Knowledge is the object of our inquiry, and men do not think they know a thing till they have grasped the ‘why’ of the thing.” - Aristotle, Physics One of the…

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Oct. 29, 2019

Welcome to Aquinas 101 | Enroll Today

🎥, Keep the Aquinas 101 cameras rolling! Donate $5 today: Welcome to Aquinas 101 | Enroll Today Go to to sign up for one of our free video courses on Aquinas. And don’t forget to like and share with your friends, because it matters what you think! Subscribe…

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Oct. 28, 2019

Substance and Accidents (Aquinas 101)

⭐️ Donate $5 to help keep these videos FREE for everyone! Pay it forward for the next viewer: The world is not a place of static individuals, but of active realities. Thomas Aquinas thought that all of reality could be classified according to the distinction between substance and accident.…

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Oct. 25, 2019

Ultimate Fulfillment & Human Perfection | Prof. Candace Vogler

⭐️ Donate $5 to help keep these videos FREE for everyone! Pay it forward for the next viewer: Ultimate Fulfillment & Human Perfection | Prof. Candace Vogler This lecture was given as part of the "Made for More: Happiness, Friendship & the Good Life" conference held at the St.…

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Oct. 23, 2019

Nature and Natures (Aquinas 101)

⭐️ Donate $5 to help keep these videos FREE for everyone! Pay it forward for the next viewer: Is there such a thing as human nature, or is that simply a conventional idea? Think about an adolescent; that adolescent used to be a baby; that baby used to be…

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Oct. 21, 2019

Universals and Particulars, Genus and Species (Aquinas 101)

⭐️ Donate $5 to help keep these videos FREE for everyone! Pay it forward for the next viewer: “Each stage of cognitive development is grounded in the previous stage and the structure of the world itself helps us to ascend from the Cave of Ignorance. It is only because…

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Oct. 18, 2019

Experiencing Love & Friendship: Human & Divine | Prof. Adam Eitel

⭐️ Donate $5 to help keep these videos FREE for everyone! Pay it forward for the next viewer: Experiencing Love & Friendship: Human & Divine | Prof. Adam Eitel This talk was offered as part of our conference "Made for More: Happiness, Friendship, and the Good life," held at…

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Oct. 17, 2019

Human Nature, Positive Psychology, and Perennial Principles | Fr. James Brent, O.P.

⭐️ Donate $5 to help keep these videos FREE for everyone! Pay it forward for the next viewer: Human Nature, Positive Psychology, and Perennial Principles | Fr. James Brent, O.P. This talk was offered as part of our conference "Made for More: Happiness, Friendship, and the Good life," held…

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