
Oct. 16, 2019

The Real Distinction (Aquinas 101)

⭐️ Donate $5 to help keep these videos FREE for everyone! Pay it forward for the next viewer: “It is clear, therefore, that an intelligence is form and existence, and that it has existence from the First Being, which is existence alone. And this is the First Cause, which…

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Oct. 14, 2019

Essence and Existence (Aquinas 101)

⭐️ Donate $5 to help keep these videos FREE for everyone! Pay it forward for the next viewer: “All chairs are quite different.” - HG Wells “If they were so different you could not call them all chairs.” - GK Chesterton The Pre-Socratics tried to explain everything as elemental…

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Oct. 11, 2019

Is Lasting Happiness Really Possible? | Fr. Dominic Legge, O.P.

⭐️ Donate $5 to help keep these videos FREE for everyone! Pay it forward for the next viewer: Is Lasting Happiness Really Possible? | Fr. Dominic Legge, O.P. This talk was offered as part of our conference "Made for More: Happiness, Friendship, and the Good life," held at Yale…

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Oct. 9, 2019

Form and Matter (Aquinas 101)

⭐️ Donate $5 to help keep these videos FREE for everyone! Pay it forward for the next viewer: What is truth? What is love? What is justice? In asking the question, one asks for the essences of things, or more simply, what they are. The ancient philosopher Plato called…

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Oct. 7, 2019

Act and Potency (Aquinas 101)

⭐️ Donate $5 to help keep these videos FREE for everyone! Pay it forward for the next viewer: How can the water in a river always be flowing by and yet it remains the same river? By wrestling with this and various puzzles regarding change, Aristotle discovered the distinction…

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Oct. 2, 2019

Being and Metaphysics (Aquinas 101)

🎥, Keep the Aquinas 101 cameras rolling! Donate $5 today: The object of metaphysics is being itself. Everything that has being is in some way one and unified, true or intelligible, good and thus desirable, beautiful and therefore pleasing. At this point, when you’ve begun thinking why that might…

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Sept. 30, 2019

Argument and Dialectic (Aquinas 101)

⭐️ Donate $5 to help keep these videos FREE for everyone! Pay it forward for the next viewer: The calling of St. Thomas Aquinas was to pose all the most relevant questions, face all the most relevant difficulties involved in each question, and draw all the relevant distinctions. Argument…

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Sept. 25, 2019

The Principle of Non-Contradiction (Aquinas 101)

⭐️ Donate $5 to help keep these videos FREE for everyone! Pay it forward for the next viewer: The principle of non-contradiction stands as a kind of witness that human beings can know something solid and true about reality as a whole. The great calling of philosophy and metaphysics…

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Sept. 23, 2019

The Science of Theology (Aquinas 101)

⭐️ Donate $5 to help keep these videos FREE for everyone! Pay it forward for the next viewer: “He has granted to us His precious and very great promises, that through these you may escape from the corruption that is in the world because of passion, and become partakers…

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Sept. 18, 2019

How Do You Read an Article of the Summa? (Aquinas 101)

⭐️ Donate $5 to help keep these videos FREE for everyone! Pay it forward for the next viewer: St. Thomas Aquinas’ Summa Theologiae is not simply a reference book; rather, it offers a pedagogical approach to all of theology. How Do You Read an Article of the Summa? (Aquinas…

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Sept. 16, 2019

Why is the Summa Important? (Aquinas 101)

⭐️ Donate $5 to help keep these videos FREE for everyone! Pay it forward for the next viewer: “Three things are necessary for the salvation of man: to know what he ought to believe, to know what he ought to desire, and to know what he ought to do.”…

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Sept. 11, 2019

Why Read St. Thomas Aquinas? (Aquinas 101)

⭐️ Donate $5 to help keep these videos FREE for everyone! Pay it forward for the next viewer: You might wonder, why read St. Thomas Aquinas? Pope Leo XIII writes that Saint Thomas inherited the intellect of all the ancient doctors of the Church. He is esteemed as a…

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Aug. 25, 2019

Welcome to Aquinas 101

🎥, Keep the Aquinas 101 cameras rolling! Donate $5 today: Welcome to Aquinas 101 - Fr. Gregory Pine, O.P. Go to to sign up for one of our free video courses on Aquinas. And don’t forget to like and share with your friends, because it matters what you…

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Aug. 14, 2019

What Did St. Thomas Write? (Aquinas 101)

⭐️ Donate $5 to help keep these videos FREE for everyone! Pay it forward for the next viewer: The writings of St. Thomas range in content from the Divine Names to the number of angels that could dance on a pin. A prolific writer, by the end of his…

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Aug. 14, 2019

St. Thomas Aquinas on Faith and Reason (Aquinas 101)

🎥, Keep the Aquinas 101 cameras rolling! Donate $5 today: “Unless thou hadst believed, thou wouldst not understand.” (Isaiah 7:9) Is faith unreasonable? Is it contrary to reason, or in tension with it? St. Thomas Aquinas holds that God, being the ultimate source of reality, is therefore the source…

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Aug. 14, 2019

Who is St. Thomas Aquinas? (Aquinas 101)

🎥, Keep the Aquinas 101 cameras rolling! Donate $5 today: Who is St. Thomas Aquinas? A saint and scholar, St. Thomas Aquinas is especially well-known for the wisdom which he demonstrated in his philosophical and theological works. He is remembered for purity and chastity, which he possessed in perfection.…

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Dec. 13, 2018

Defending the Common Good: Mercy and Punishment, from Stoicism to Christianity | Prof. Sarah Byers

⭐️ Donate $5 to help keep these videos FREE for everyone! Pay it forward for the next viewer: This lecture was given as a part of our conference at Harvard Law School, "Christianity and the Common Good," October 19th-20th, 2018. Dr. Byers's powerpoint that accompanies this lecture can be…

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Dec. 13, 2018

Faith, Natural Law And The Common Good | J.Budziszewski

⭐️ Donate $5 to help keep these videos FREE for everyone! Pay it forward for the next viewer: Faith, Natural Law And The Common Good | J.Budziszewski This lecture was given as a part of our conference at Harvard Law School, "Christianity and the Common Good," October 19th-20th, 2018.…

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Dec. 13, 2018

Shakespeare, the Book of Sir Thomas More, and the Common Good | Prof. Gerard Wegemer

⭐️ Donate $5 to help keep these videos FREE for everyone! Pay it forward for the next viewer: Shakespeare, the Book of Sir Thomas More, and the Common Good | Prof. Gerard Wegemer This lecture was given as a part of our conference at Harvard Law School, "Christianity and…

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Dec. 13, 2018

From the Common Good to Public Order (and Back)| Gladden Pappin

⭐️ Donate $5 to help keep these videos FREE for everyone! Pay it forward for the next viewer: From the Common Good to Public Order (and Back)| Gladden Pappin This lecture was delivered at Harvard Law School on October 20, 2018. It was part of a conferenced entitled "Christianity…

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Aug. 10, 2018

Credo Trailer | Introducing the Dominicans

⭐️ Donate $5 to help keep these videos FREE for everyone! Pay it forward for the next viewer: Credo Trailer | Introducing the Dominicans A Saint Benedict Press Production presented by Dominican Friars Thomistic Institute. Fr. Raymond Snyder, O.P. introduces a program called CREDO, which means "I Believe." For…

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July 11, 2018

Soul, Mind, and Personhood in Modern Biology | Prof. Stephen Meredith

⭐️ Donate $5 to help keep these videos FREE for everyone! Pay it forward for the next viewer: Soul, Mind, and Personhood in Modern Biology | Prof. Stephen Meredith A lecture by Dr. Stephen Meredith given at a symposium on Thomistic philosophy and natural science. This conference was cosponsored…

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July 10, 2018

Hylomorphism and the New Mechanist Philosophy of Neuroscience | Dr. Daniel De Haan

⭐️ Donate $5 to help keep these videos FREE for everyone! Pay it forward for the next viewer: Hylomorphism and the New Mechanist Philosophy of Neuroscience | Dr. Daniel De Haan A lecture by Dr. Daniel De Haan given at a symposium on Thomistic philosophy and natural science. This…

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July 9, 2018

Thomistic Objections Against Evolution: Returning to First Principles | Prof. Brian Carl

⭐️ Donate $5 to help keep these videos FREE for everyone! Pay it forward for the next viewer: Thomistic Objections Against Evolution: Returning to First Principles | Prof. Brian Carl A lecture by Dr. Brian Carl given at a symposium on Thomistic philosophy and natural science. This conference was…

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